Bradley Wright, PhD, Director
Professor of Sociology at the University of Connecticut. Research on purpose & meaning, well-being, and spirituality.
LinkedInWendy Kopp
Corporate Partner Relationships Coordinator at the Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills where she oversees the University's Career Fairs. She also owns the the Over AndOver Barntique. Located in Andover, CT it is filled with locally made gifts, jewelry, soaps, candles, décor and furniture. She finds much purpose in creating art and crafting events that bring people together fostering collaboration and positive connection.
LinkedInJordan Ochs, PhD
Director, First Year Experience Program & Assistant Director of FYP, LC, AAC, & IZ at the University of Connecticut.
LinkedInEmily Pagano
Assistant Director, Health Promotion and Community Impact, Student Health and Wellness.
LinkedInEran Peterson
Associate Director for Work+ at UConn helps students connect their on-campus work experiences to long-term career and life goals. With a focus on career exploration, professional skill-building, and reflective learning, Eran collaborates with students, supervisors, and campus partners to develop meaningful employment experiences. Passionate about experiential learning and holistic career development, he is committed to helping students design fulfilling futures by fostering a sense of purpose, agency, and career readiness
2025: Kara Borkowski, Ella Brenneman, Jennifer Gearin, Harthik Parankusham, Swapna Subramanian, Jordan Zarabet
2024: Parker Ayoub, Taylor Bryan, Kayanna Clarke, Madeleine Croiger, Kevshav Desibhatia, Jamie DiDato, Riley Fallon, Jennifer Gearin, Kushi Kalyan, Alysia Ma, Lourdes Mollica
2023: Taylor Bryan, Jennifer Dean, Kevshav Desibhatia, Riley Fallon, Alysia Ma, Lourdes Mollica, Brady Noniewicz, Shannon O'Connor, Tiago Rossetto, Samuel Voghell
2022: Brynley Allen, Sheylian Berrios, Dylan Champagne, Kylie Desorbo, Tiera Everitt, Musa Hussain, Jessica Lockwood, Katherine Mccrohan, Sara Oba, Venkat Paruchuru, Monika Rydzewski, Grace Smith, Rylee Thomas
2021: Brynley Allen, Anthony D'Andrea, Kylie Desorbo, Lily Forand, Katherine Jimenez, Paige Long, Nidhi Nair, Sara Oba, Nicholas Parent, Venkat Paruchuru, Irene Soteriou, Rylee Thomas
2020: Morgan Beck, Nicholas Copenhaver, Anthony D'Andrea, Sheroz Din, Lily Forand, Paige Long, Nidhi Nair, Irene Soteriou, Nicole Zatserkovniy